Monday, April 19, 2010

Cocktails with Cachaça : Caju Amigo

Caju Amigo, also known as Cajuzinho (Little Cashew), is a Brazilian drink made of cachaça  and cashew  juice. In some places, a slice of cashew is put in the drinker's mouth and chewed without swallowing, and a shot of cachaça is drunk straight, swallowing the fruit and the drink at the same time.

Primary alcohol by volume    
    * Cachaça

Neat; undiluted and without ice
Standard garnish     
Slice of cashew
Standard drinkware    
Shot Glass (Standard).svg
Shot glass
Commonly used ingredients    
    * 1 part cachaça
    * 1 slice of cashew, or 1 part cashew juice

The slice is placed on the tongue and chased by the shot of cachaça. Or the two ingredients are mixed in a shot glass and served straight.

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